Friday, October 30, 2009

LED TV Technology

This is the new keyword for many people but you are not unknown from it. If you have been go to watch any sporting event so perhaps a large screen TV you seen in the stadium. That large screen TV makes easier to follow the game. On the screen you can see instant replays, close-ups and profile of a player. We wondered that how the people make a TV that is around 60 feet.

Decoding of the signal in the LED TV and general TV is almost same. A large screen jumbo LED TV and a simple TV both takes video signal and convert it into points of light.

CRT Technology is great only for indoors, but if you put the TV into sunlight than there is no more to display. The phosphor on the CRT is not enough bright to compete with sunlight. Therefore you need a different technology for a bigger and brighter image. That is enough brighter to compete with sunlight.

There are two big differences between a jumbo TV screen that we see at a stadium and the TV in the home:

1. Obviously, there is more difference in the height of both TVs. Jumbo TV might be 60 feet high instead of 18 inches high home TV.

2. It is very bright so that people can see it in sunlight.

To accomplish these feats, almost all large-screen outdoor displays use light emitting diodes (LEDs) to create the image.

LEDs are a little colored light bulbs. Today’s LEDs are small, extremely bright and relatively little power consumption for the light that they produce. You can see other places where LEDs has used, outdoors on traffic lights and automobile brake lights.

In a jumbo TV, red, green and blue LEDs are used in place of phosphor. Three or four LEDs (one red, one green and one blue) are used to create a "pixel" on a jumbo TV. Dozens of LEDs are used to create a pixel in the biggest jumbo TVs. The collection of LEDs to create a pixel called a module. Pixel modules typically range from 4 mm to 4 cm (about 0.2 to 1.5 inches) in size.

To build a jumbo TV, you have to take thousands of these LED modules and then arrange them in a rectangular grid. For example, the grid might contain 307 by 200 LED modules, or 640 by 480 modules. The size of the ultimate screen depends on the size of the LED modules.

Jumbo TV screens have started to pop up in all sorts of places, and in all sorts of sizes as the LED prices have dropped. You can now find LED TVs indoors in places like shopping malls and office buildings and specially areas that attract lots of tourists.

So if you want a brighter and quality image with a large screen TV into your home then just go and buy a LED Technology TV set.

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